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  • What is an Australian Business Number (ABN)?
    An Australian Business Number (ABN) is a unique set of 11 digits that is a which identifies your business to the government and community. You can use your ABN to: - identify your business to others when ordering and invoicing - avoid pay as you go (PAYG) tax on payments you get - claim goods and services tax (GST) credits - claim energy grants credits - get an Australian domain name for your website
  • Why should I register for an ABN?
    To be able to legally operate as a business in Australia (e.g issue invoices, open bank accounts etc) you will need to register an ABN. If you are planning to provide freelance services, you will require an ABN for issuing invoices. You also require an ABN if you are planning on providing ride-sourcing services through Uber, Didi, Ola, etc. or food delivery services through UberEats, DoorDash, etc. If you are running your own business, or a sole trader/freelancer - having an ABN will save you money and time in the future. You can use your ABN to: - identify your business to others when ordering and invoicing - avoid pay as you go (PAYG) tax on payments you get - claim goods and services tax (GST) credits - claim energy grants credits - get an Australian domain name for your website
  • What information do I need to provide to register my ABN?
    You will require: - Full legal name - Business and Residential Address - Birth date and place - TFN (Tax file number)
  • How long does it take to register for an ABN?
    You only need a few minutes to register for your ABN and provide us the essential details required for us to review and process your application.
  • How long does it take to receive my ABN?
    We start reviewing your application as soon as it is received to ensure all required details are provided. We might contact you if additional information is required to process your application. Once all details have been thoroughly reviewed by the team, we submit your application for your ABN to be generated.
  • Do I need a TFN (Tax File Number) to register for ABN?
    Yes, you are required to have a TFN when starting a business and in most cases when applying for your ABN. The ABN and TFN are two separate numbers and the ABN does not replace your TFN. The ATO uses your TFN to confirm your identity. A Tax File Number (TFN) identifies you for tax and superannuation purposes. It's your tax identity. You keep the same TFN even if you change your name, change jobs, move interstate or go overseas. You will need a TFN to start an Australian business. Please note: Without your TFN, your ABN application might be rejected by the ATO. In most cases, if not rejected, your application goes through a manual review process which might take up to 20 business days or more for your ABN to be generated if successful. If you are unable to provide your TFN when applying for your ABN, you can continue to apply for your ABN. Our team will contact you if you are required to submit your TFN.
  • Is it possible to have two ABNs?
    No, as a sole trader/individual, you only have one ABN under your name. If your ABN has been cancelled, you can reactivate it by applying though the same page.
  • How do I re-activate my expired/cancelled ABN?
    You can follow this link to reactivate an ABN that has expired or cancelled:
  • How long does it take for my ABN to show as active?
    It can take between 5 to 10 hours for your ABN to show as active on the ABN lookup whilst your records are activated with the ATO. If you are unsure on whether your ABN is active, you can use the ABN lookup service to see if your ABN number is active.
  • How much does it cost for your ABN application and why?
    We charge an administration minimal fee of $50 AUD to process your ABN application. The fee is for reviewing your details for errors, missing information, submitting your ABN application and following up on any errors with the ATO on your ABN application.
  • "My ABN is under manual review" - what does it mean?
    Once your application for ABN is submitted, the ATO might decide to put it under manual review. This could be becuse: - You have not used your ABN for a longer period of time - You have changed your name - You hold a name that is very commonly used - You have not provided your TFN details and the ATO needs to review your identity manually. Manual review can take up to 20 business days. Please do not submit another application in this scenario.
  • When should I cancel my ABN?
    You'll probably need to cancel your ABN if you are: - closing down your business - changing your business structure - no longer operating your business You'll need to cancel your ABN if you have decided to change: - sole trader to a company - sole trader to partnership - partnership to company
  • Why should I register my ABN through you?
    When you submit your application to us, it first goes through a review stage by an ATO licensed and registered tax agent to ensure all details are correct. If there are issues, and we feel it can be resolved, we can contact the ATO on your behalf to help process your application. You can also choose to register for multiple business services such as Business Name, GST at the same time.
  • Do I need a business name to provide services?
    A business name is a name or title under which a person or other legal entity trades. It identifies you to your customers and allows you to differentiate yourself from your competitors. ​​ ➡️If Jack Sparrow trades under his own name he does not need to register a business name unless he wants to. ✔️ If Jack Sparrow wants to call his business 'Sparrow Plumbing' or 'Pirates Plumbing', he must register a business name.
  • Can I register my business name as "<mybusinessname> Pty Ltd."?
    Since your ABN is registered under a sole trader, you CANNOT use "Pty Ltd" at the end of your business name. In order to use "Pty Ltd", you are required to register a company. As a sole trader, once you have obtained your sole trader ABN, you can run multiple businesses under the ABN and have multiple business names for the same.
  • Can my desired Business name be rejected?
    Your business name can be rejected in some instances. Some of these are: - If the business name is already taken by someone else, is inappropriate or similar to another business name. This is the reason we ask you to provide us with 2 additional preferred business names so we can check for you. - if the address provided by you is incomplete, that is, missing a unit number or floor number. - if the property address provided is not accepted by Australia Post as a postal address.
  • If my desired and preferred business names are not available, will I be required to pay additional for another preference?
    If all your provided business names are unavailable or rejected, we will contact you for an alternative business name and register it FREE OF CHARGE.
  • Can I register a business name, if my ABN is cancelled or expired?
    Unfortunately, you can only register your business name under an Active ABN.
  • Do I need an ABN to register a Business Name?
    YES, you will require an active ABN to register for a business name as the business name is registered under the ABN. You can register for your ABN with Business Name here.
  • Do I need to register for GST?
    If you have: ➡️ reached the GST turnover threshold of $75,000 You reach the GST turnover threshold if either: your current GST turnover – (your turnover for the current month and the previous 11 months – totals $75,000 or more ($150,000 or more for non-profit organisations) your projected GST turnover – your total turnover for the current month and the next 11 months – is likely to be $75,000 or more ($150,000 or more for non-profit organisations). ➡️OR want to claim fuel tax credits for your business, ➡️OR provide ride-sourcing / ride-sharing services (like Uber, Didi, Ola, etc.) inclusive of taxi or limousine travel, leasing or renting a taxi. ​ ✔️You are required to have valid GST (Goods and Services Tax) Registration as per the Australian Taxation Office.
  • Do I need an ABN to register for GST?
    YES, you will require an active ABN to register for GST as the GST is registered under the ABN. You can register for your ABN with GST here.
  • From when should I register my GST?
    You are legally required to have registered for GST, if: - annual GST turnover (Gross income from all businesses minus GST) of your business or enterprise is $75,000 or more or is expected to reach $75,000 or more in the first year of operation. In this case, you must register your GST within 21 days of realising that your turnover has reached the threshold value of $75,000 or more. If the turnover is less than the $75,000 threshold you can still register for GST, in which case, you must then include GST in your fees regardless of your turnover. - you provide taxi or limousine travel for passengers (including ride-sourcing services like Uber, Didi, Ola, etc.) regardless of your GST turnover – this applies to both owner drivers and if you lease or rent a taxi You are required to register for GST from the day you provide the above services. - if your non-profit organisation has a GST turnover of $150,000 per year or more - if you want to claim fuel tax credits for your business or enterprise.
  • How do I register for GST as a sole-trader?
    Registering for GST follows the same process as registering GST for any other business type. Please fill out the simple form here to apply for GST and we will handle the rest.
  • Am I required to do anything additional once I have registered for GST?
    If you have registered for GST, you will have to: - Lodge BAS reports showing how much GST you have received and paid on monthly, quarterly or annual basis. the complexity of lodging BAS reports depends on the nature of your business. We recommend for you to: Update your invoices with the GST charges. Keeping a record of all your business receipts (big, small) and BAS lodgments. These are required for any audits conducted by the ATO. Not having appropriate documents might lead to fines and penalties. To ensure you practice correct bookkeeping and accounting practices, it is recommended that you work with a tax professional for the same.
  • What if I don't register for GST?
    If you don't register for GST when you are required to, you might have to pay GST on sales that you made since the day you were required to register for GST. This could happen even if you have not included the GST in the sale of the product or service. Additionally, you might be required to pay penalties or interest.
  • How do I calculate my GST turnover?
    Your GST turnover is your total business income (not your profit), minus: - GST included in sales to your customers - sales that aren't for payment and aren't taxable - sales not connected with an enterprise you run - input-taxed sales you make - sales not connected with Australia.
  • How to calculate GST turnover?
    Your GST turnover is not your profit. It is your total business income, minus: GST included in sales to your consumers sales to associates who are not receiving payment and are not subject to tax sales unrelated to an enterprise you operate input-taxed sales you make sales made outside Australia. Your entire business revenue (not your profit) less the following items will give you your GST turnover: GST included in sales to consumers; sales to associates who are not receiving payment and are not subject to tax; sales unrelated to an enterprise you operate; and sales made outside of Australia.
Accredited Tax Agent, under license no. 26127048, legally authorised by the Australian Taxation Office and the Tax Practition
ASIC certified agent to register Business name
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Owned by Business Service Management PTY LTD (ACN: 682 882 953), an Australian firm dedicated to helping individuals launch, grow, and manage their business. As an accredited Tax Agent (License No. 26127048) and a registered ASIC agent, we are legally authorized by the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) and the Tax Practitioners Board to provide business registration services. We operate independently and are not affiliated with the Commonwealth Government, the ATO, or the ABR. Please note, you can apply for business services directly through the ATO, ABR, or ASIC.

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