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How much time will you spend lodging your BAS?

Self lodging your BAS can be a time-consuming task. Even after spending hours, there’s no guarantee that it’s been lodged correctly.

Let our expert agents handle it for you – so you can focus on what matters most.

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What is a Business Activity Statement (BAS)?

If your ABN or your business is registered for GST, you are required to lodge your BAS with the ATO as per your lodgement frequency.

Who is a BAS agent and why you might need one?​

As a registered BAS Agent, we are qualified, insured, and backed by our industry association, providing you with peace of mind and assurance with your lodgements. Here are some additional benefits of engaging with us:




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​​How often do I need to report my GST (Frequency of BAS Lodgement)?

Your GST reporting and payment cycle will be one of the following. You would have already selected your reporting cycle when you first registered for GST:
IMP: Please note that if you decide to lodge your BAS via a registered agent, you might receive an extention on the below due dates:


  • Quarterly – if your GST turnover is less than $20 million or your provide ridesharing/taxi services

    • July, August and September Quarter - Due on 28 October

    • October, November and December Quarter - Due on 28 February

    • January, February and March Quarter - Due on 28 April​​

    • April, May and June Quarter - Due on 28 July

  • Monthly – if your GST turnover is $20 million or more – or you choose to report GST monthly.

    • Due date - 21st day of the month following the end of the taxable period. For example, a September monthly BAS is due on 21 October.​

  • Annually – if you are voluntarily registered for GST and your GST turnover is under $75,000

    • Due date: The due date to lodge and pay your annual GST return is 31 October.​​​


How to lodge a BAS?​

You can lodge your BAS online:


What if I miss my BAS due date?

You may be penalised by the ATO if you blow your BAS deadline without a good reason. In the case you have missed your due date, we suggest speaking to a BAS agent, or the ATO.


Accredited Tax Agent, under license no. 26127048, legally authorised by the Australian Taxation Office and the Tax Practition
ASIC certified agent to register Business name
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Owned by Business Service Management PTY LTD (ACN: 682 882 953), an Australian firm dedicated to helping individuals launch, grow, and manage their business. As an accredited Tax Agent (License No. 26127048) and a registered ASIC agent, we are legally authorized by the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) and the Tax Practitioners Board to provide business registration services. We operate independently and are not affiliated with the Commonwealth Government, the ATO, or the ABR. Please note, you can apply for business services directly through the ATO, ABR, or ASIC.

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